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Use Hyperlocal Data to Shape Geopolitical Narratives

Continuous conversational and behavioral data enables strategic communications professionals to develop localized, culturally relevant messaging that drives strategic change.


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Assess and Respond Quickly to Changing Events and Attitudes

Strategic communications professionals need to understand the nuances of how local residents in key regions are feeling and acting in response to current events. Talisman draws data from sources that go beyond official rhetoric to reveal a truer picture, particularly in areas affected by complex geopolitical and security dynamics.


Expansive and Varied Data

Thousands of data sets and millions of conversations provide a holistic view of a local community’s emotions and actions.


Continuously Refreshed

Our Talisman data is constantly updated, ensuring you have the most current information as situations or events unfold.


Input by Regional Experts

Regional and subject matter experts identify high-quality, local data sources and validate Talisman data for accuracy and cultural relevance.  


Continuous Data Your Way

We give you options—ingest our continuous data stream directly into your systems or view curated insights on the Talisman Dashboard.

Gain Insight Into Local Perspectives

Talisman data provides strategic communications professionals a lens into local communities in strategically important regions, so they can accurately assess complex situations and craft effective responses. Discover how Talisman can help you develop a deeper understanding of local attitudes and actions so you can ensure your messaging remains relevant and drives meaningful change.

Identify nuances in Russian sentiment and behavior

Talisman gives you granular understanding of what is shaping attitudes and actions in a community so you can deploy highly targeted messaging. That was the case in Kaliningrad, where strategic communications professionals were seeking to engage residents around their attitudes about the economy. Talisman was able to pinpoint that local complaints about the economy stemmed primarily from the lack of availability of automotive spare parts. That gave analysts a concrete point of reference from which to develop strategic messaging while avoiding sensors.

Understand religion’s growing influence on Indian politics

India’s diplomatic relations with the West are on the upswing, but so is religious and ethnic persecution in this fast-developing nation. Talisman data sources tap into impacted groups and communities to give you a deeper understanding of how they perceive religious freedom and which messages and strategies might enhance justice and promote peaceful coexistence.

Monitor grassroots movements in China

Talisman fuses conversational and behavioral data to offer clues to how grassroots movements in China are advancing causes like greenhouse gas reduction, labor rights and freedom of speech. For instance, Talisman might identify an uptick in dialogue around energy conservation, or a growing discontentment with air pollution in a particular community. Or it might gather data on wages and merge that with local dialogue about personal income to anticipate whether labor activism may be on the rise.

Develop preemptive strategies for a brewing crisis

Talisman’s focus on hyperlocal data enables strategic communications professionals to detect warning signs of potential crises, whether that be conflict and unrest or a widespread epidemic or famine. The data passes through multiple layers of AI analysis to reveal increases in negative sentiment and emotion or changing patterns in behavioral data such as a rise in hospitalization, malnutrition or death rates. 

Anticipate and influence migration patterns

Talisman can bring perspective to the big questions around population dynamics, including which groups of people are planning to migrate and why. By scouring local data sources Talisman reveals patterns in conversation and behavior that indicate the influx or outflow of residents, potential factors influencing those shifts and the local attitudes around the changes.

Track public perception of international alliances

Talisman sheds light on the views and attitudes of local communities related to international relations—for instance, how local residents view Russia’s strengthening coalition with North Korea and China; or how those same residents view their nation’s tensions with the U.S. This can help strategic communications professionals develop messaging or strategy that moves public opinion in a positive direction.

Gauge public sentiment around Middle East conflicts

Talisman helps strategic communications professionals monitor public opinion and sentiment related to the Israel-Hamas war and other brewing tensions around the Middle East so they can tailor their strategies effectively. Our data brings context and granularity to your research by incorporating non-traditional sources where people share freely, such as community message boards, professional blogs and faith-based organizations, as well as thousands of behavioral data sets.

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Data Insights Tailored to Your Needs

Visualized Intelligence

Talisman prevents information overload by boiling down massive amounts of data into clear, actionable insights presented on our interactive dashboard. Talisman offers:

Single Pane Of Glass


Gain a cohesive understanding of a subject through the fusion of both behavioral and conversational data.


Swift Analysis


Assess current data for correlations, patterns and anomalies.


Intuitive Dashboard


Quickly find the information and context you need using Talisman’s search and view tools.


Tailored Visualization

Customizable Views Icon FNL

View data identified by Talisman as relevant to your specific query, presented in easy-to-interpret charts and graphs. 

Transparent Sources

Transparent Sources Icon FNL

Verify data or conduct additional research using our source list, provided on the Talisman Dashboard.

Cultural Expertise


Benefit from data that captures cultural nuances, meticulously sourced by both AI and our regional and subject matter experts.

Raw Data Stream for Confidential Analysis

Talisman can also provide a continuous stream of data that can be ingested directly into your proprietary systems using our seamless API. This option is ideal for organizations that deal with sensitive information and want to ensure the Talisman data is stored within their secure systems; need greater flexibility to customize how they consume, analyze and visualize Talisman data; or wish to incorporate it into existing research and data modeling for a more comprehensive understanding of situations, events or locales.

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Data to Feed Evidence-Based Analysis

Schedule a demo to see how Talisman gives you visibility into hard-to-access regions to guide your strategic communications.

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