FilterLabs is growing the team!
If you’re passionate about using hyperlocal data to bring clarity to what’s happening in the world, FilterLabs is the place for you.

We are looking to hire
Data Scientist
Full Stack Engineers
Data Specialists
Regional Analysts (East Asia, South Asia, Africa, Middle East)
Sales & Business Development Professionals
Customer Success Experts
Be part of building something exciting! Send your resume and optional cover letter to
FilterLabs is not your average data science company.
What sets us apart is:

Continuous data that delivers up-to-date information

Our unique, hyperlocal conversational and behavioral data sources

Transparent sources so our clients can verify the data or take research further

Combination of AI/LLM and human subject matter experts

Focus on hard-to-access regions of the world where standard data sources fall short
Join us in creating something amazing!
Submit your resume and an optional cover letter.